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About sweetrenlysghost

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. That's what I assumed too, and I thought it'd resurface when I reinstalled the other mods on my second clean install but it didn't. I just can't figure out which one it conflicted with because to my knowledge I don't have one that changes the appearance of Republic soldiers (Dak's skin pack is the only one I can think would do it, but I don't think he reskinned them). Yes, M4-78 as the last planet I played and I made sure to stop at Citadel station to turn in this quest and the Rodian/Devaronian bounty before I went to Dantooine. For the R&D and manufacturing I passed the persuade check both times. At the testing stage the first time (when the bug ocurred) I just told the droids to attack the holographic targets until it told me I was finished. The second time I made a hologram of the head testing droid and they shot him.
  2. I loved this mod so much I signed up so I could let you guys know what a great job you did on it! It was a great addition to the game and fit in so seamlessly if I hadn't had to actually install it separately from the main game I wouldn't have noticed. I did, however, notice a few bugs. I've been playing the same mod 'cocktail' since TSLRCM 1.8 so I'll only report the bugs I noticed after I installed M4-78EP (which I did over a clean install of of TSL and TSLRCM 1.8.2, and installing all other mods afterwards). I started a new game and played straight dark side. 1. This is a weird one and I have no idea how it happened, but somehow all the Republic soldiers were turned into blaster turrets (the reskinned kind found on M4-78) the first time I installed the mod. It was actually pretty humorous to watch the Onderon soldier in the Telos cantina arguing with a knee-high turret, but it was something that was certainly caused by this mod because when I uninstalled it the bug was fixed. I did another clean install of everything and the bug didn't resurface. Very strange. 2. When I brought T3 to be a cleaning droid, the droid who told me to bring him would not recognize he was in my group and continued to tell me to bring T3 to him. I commend you on making more than one way to go about this planet, however, so it was easy to work around. 3. I also experienced significant lag in parts of the industrial zone, but as someone who coped with the insanely terrible Dantooine lag before downloading the original TSLRCM, it didn't bother me as much. 4. I chose the option to have M4-78 export fuel to Telos, but when I arrived at Citadel Station for the end game Grenn told me they hadn't found a solution to the fuel problem. 5. The first time I tried the planet, IS-02 didn't appear in the diagnostics room after I rebuilt him. After playing from an earlier save, he did and I was able to proceed normally. That's all I noticed. Cheers for making a mod more stable than the game it was based on! I can't wait for the next patch! I'm interested to see how the planet goes light side.