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About doanything

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    GNU, the Left, the Red, Soviet Union, abstract Good vs Evil (black and white, 0 & 1 etc), so programming

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  1. Now I see... Maybe, should make the galaxy map travel script modular, one part for traveling, one for defining planets, one for mechanics and logics. Then it will be useful for modders whom adds new planets without such a pain with compatibility.
  2. I haven't played Coruscant Jedi Temple yet, but are there some issues with Handmaiden for females and M4-78EP? If that will be useful, then I'll probably make some new versions of my workaround, easier to use, well-tested for any restrictions and (if there any) bug-fixed.
  3. /Personally, not really willing or required to transfer all those over to another system./ Existing variables had their "live" in the state they are already done. No need of transferring them but if one want some mod to transfer vars for being compatible. /For Handmaiden 4 females I probably just change it to a boolean instead, problem solved./ I thought about that. But it requires to modify dialog, not only nss's. And in case of workaround wrapper, mod is modified withoud touching dialogs, that are not being currently done compatible with TSLPatcher. /Lastly, I doubt it. More to do with being a 8(?) year old game now/ Yeah, agreed. So, thank you for the conversation! At least, I just spent my time and trained my brains writing the workaround and (new for me) putting 8-bit integers into 6-bit-encoded strings. I'm certain, we'll speak if some people decide to mod the game further or write an open-source and binary-compatibla clone of the engine... Maybe we'll speak if I will be one of so people (but I'm sadly lazy) Tho things put me actually to play TSL and TSLRCM again after about 4 years of last playing. First, my computer died and I work now at low-clock netbook. Second, I read news about TSLRCM said that game was restored to the state it is initially designed.
  4. There aren't too much new mods, maybe it is because lack of workarounds. /um nar shadda hidden complex is incompatible that why it does work!/ /It's listed as incompatible with TSLRCM to start with./ So I have predicted precisely what you'd say) Hope they will use my script to become compatible. My local version have patched scripts already, and I'm testing it now. I'll post any further advancements. Maybe, someone interested in patched nss's, but they are easy to DIY (just add #include "global_n_inc" and "_N" to each call of SetGlobalNumber/GetGlobalNumber functions).
  5. +Nas Shaddaa Hidden Complex. BTW! P.S. Renamed topic... Im just a naive animeist but I run into a problem with more than 1000 GlobalNumbers not working, and created a workaround... Maybe it is not so important now, but in future, I'm sure, will be used widely
  6. It is important to pay attention to what i said. 1) It is limit of global NUMBER variables, though BOOLEANS, LOCATION and STRINGS still could be set and stored. 2) It is no limit for globalcat.2da howewer. Limit is when the game engine makes saved game. Then only (maximum) 1000 bytes of data stored into the NUMBER GLOBALS STACK. Check it on, install TSLRCM+M4-78EP+Nar Shadda Hidden Complex (order is relevant!). It will not work properly, even in light version, but recompile it's scripts with my hack - and everything' fine. Also, my install is TSLRCM+M4-78EP+NS_HC+Handmaiden_For_Females. Then, on the last mentioned, you will see a limit's effect far earlier. You'll say "bug in the mod". It is unright. Launch K-GFF, open SWKOTOR2/Saves/XXXXXX - GameX/GLOBALVARS.res Navigate to the bottom. Click on ValNumber [Type: BINARY]. See on the right. There are "Bytes: 1000". Even of you have 9000 number globals in globalcat.2da Values of global numbers are -128 to +127 (as referenced from nwscript.nss), (or 0 to 255). One byte. So there are nothing strange if it cant be more that 1000 global numbers (bytes) in 1000 byte data. About TSLRCM... yes, i could be mistaken when said "it is not finished". But it is my wish for it to be developed further..)
  7. Hello, my little green friends! I know, why the project "TSLRCM" is *stuck*. It is because modders hit the limit of 1000 global number variables that can be stored in Kotor TSL. Some days ago I have mailed them to share with community information of the problem, but I was ignored. So I will now hit harder... I will post the workaround *include* file. It will allow to use few more variables, how much exactly I do not know, but you can always expand the workaround (if you have some weight of scripting, ofc!) So: // This is your new globalcat. You shoud *not* add them to globalcat.2da // Also, there are my predefined vars (wipe them!), i've installed much mods and exceed the 1000's limit, so wrote that lib // // I'm unaware how much of them you can put in theory... // Script limit is 9999, my limit is 9-per-row, but if you wish to try 10+ increase next definition. // I'm unaware of how long a string cound even be, too... So... // If you are out of limit of scripted string's length, then script must be modified. Do or inform to do. // // Note you should *not* write +0/ again after +9/, just continue with +10/YOUR_AWESOME_VARS+11/AS_MUCH_AS_NEED // // You are still had to add K_GLOBALS_1 to globalcat.2da, it should look so way: XXX|K_GLOBALS_1|String // And for each new one (K_GLOBALS_2 and so on). // // FUNCTIONS: // Exactly what you need! Just use with your vars as usual, but with _N ))) void SetGlobalNumber_N( string sIdentifier, int nValue ); int GetGlobalNumber_N( string sIdentifier ); void IncrementGlobalNumber_N( string sIdentifier, int nAmount ); void DecrementGlobalNumber_N( string sIdentifier, int nAmount ); Yeah, I'm russian maniaco head-broken psycho-conspirator so MY SCRIPT IS LICENSED. But do not be afraid, the license is in russian but it is both permissive and GNU GPL compatible. Just google translate contents of ЛИЦЕНЗИЯ.txt if you want to check it. global_n_inc.nss ЛИЦЕНЗИЯ.txt