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Everything posted by BrandonKing

  1. No, I'm not confusing mods. That comment was to the webmaster of this awesome site: my biggest complaint of this site itself is how hard it is to register. (It gave a quote given by Vader and asked who said this. I tried both Darth Vader, and Vader and none of them worked, and every other question I know I answered right. I know over 40,000+ years of canon star wars lore by heart) and it kept saying I was wrong until it asked "do or do not there is no try, what color am I?" I am unable to go forward, my T3 is too weak to do anything because my main character is my main character and as I am to understand it I was supposed to switch back to him, but I remained T3 and all the droids keep referring to me (T3 now) as a human. I have encountered very few bugs so far except what I mentioned above and not allowing HK-47 to do the droid part to remove the radiation, out of the droids I have in my party he is my strongest.
  2. I have 2 issues so far. Also you guys need to do something about your challenge questions, I answered all of them correctly but it kept saying I didn't until it came to Yoda's., I spent a good 10 minutes on just the challenge questions.