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Everything posted by Snipea

  1. Ajunta: Male, I'm not too big playing female characters but I was going to on my next playthrough to see the different stuff that gets offered for female versus male. It must be something else, hope this helps.
  2. Don't know if this helps you Ajunta, but I don't have the hidden complex installed, just USM, 1.6 and the unrestored content mod and I didn't get the Grenn question after I completed the Vonga quest nor did I get a update about HK-47 knowing about the factory. I rebuilt HK-47 after my first stop finding "Lost Jedi" before I departed the planet and granted I didn't have him in my party each time I encountered the 50s, but he's just as clueless about the location as the when I rebuilt him. the unrestored content mod has worked fine with 1.6 up until Malachor V, I'm having the same problem alot of other people are (black screen after the Hawk crashes). So like everyone else I'm just waiting.