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Posts posted by Pantherr

  1. On 5/22/2014 at 3:19 AM, danil-ch said:

    Conversation between Kreia & Exile in the ruins of Enclave. With some additional lines.



    What is supposed to happen after the end of this vid please..? I am playing DS and have killed all the masters, I went to the enclave and after Kreia enters and sits down I got the black screen bug. So I saved and reloaded, which worked..

    I then walked into where the master would have been if they lived and it was empty, of course, but nothing triggered so I went out and "clicked" on Kreia, and  THEN the wkole reveal thing triggered and she left me lying on the ground.

    After leaving me she walked out and spoke to Handmaiden about "It is done etc", when I got up and went to leave they were both still there. Clicking on Kreia again restarts the whole dialogue thing but if I click on the Handmaiden she will talk to me, but nothing else is happening. There is no quest update or anything so I have nowhere to go or anything to do....

    Can someone tell me what is wrong or what is "supposed" to happen next..? I haven't played this in years so I can't remember, altho I though someone from the ship was supposed to find me...

    UPDATE-- Nevermind, I found the problem and I got past it...

  2. Same here, I have been looking for an answer to this for years... I couldn't figure out what was happening so I gave up and stopped playing, then later bought game from GOG and same thing.


    Then I recently bought it from steam and problem went away. All that for 1 little file... Thankyou very much.


    This should really be pinned somewhere, cuz surely there must be others with the same problem. Even when I had it I searched these forums and couldn't find an answer.

  3. I am following your  instructions and have the .git file open, but can't find this "Template Resref" entry... am still looking.


    Please keep in mind that I am no modder. I have never done anything like this before. My modding skills don't go beyond basic editing of stats on items really, so this is all new and I appreciate your help.



    Still looking... but just realised something, if I find this entry and fix it then it will only fix it for this game. It won't stop it from happening in future games will it?, so how would I do that aside from the obvious, which is don't use the mod.

  4. Hi,


    I have an annoying glitch and am hoping that someone can give me some idea as to how to fixe it, or if it is possible to fix. The 3 main mods I am running are TSLRCM, M4-78 and the Jedi Temple Mod. As well as many other minor mods, one of which is the cause of this issue.


    The mod/s in question is the padawan LS/DS mods by "jedigoku" in which the trainable party members start off as jedi and when "trained" become their prestige class.


    Now the mod works fine but there is one small issue which is as soon as you make Bao-Dur a Jedi, light or dark, and he becomes his prestige class it creates a duplicate of him standing in the cargo hold where the Handmaiden is if you have her.


    Now this 2nd Bao-Dur cannot interact with you beyond turning to look at you if you click on him. Having him there doesn't cause any problems with the game at all, it's just rather annoying.


    So I was hoping someone knew if there was a file I could edit or something to fix this please.



  5. To be honest I had not thought of that. However I recently bought the steam version and on my first play thru I only found 1 of the secret comp's, as only one was available, and now on the 2nd play thru neither one is showing up. Yes, I am past that point in the story and I know where they are supposed to be. Must be a glitch somewhere.


    But either way, I was hoping to be able to add a couple or so plasteel containers. I know there used to be mods that did it and I do not know how to do it myself or I would.

  6. Hi, I know there used to be mods around that did this, and I even remember having a few once but when TSLRCM started coming out they were not compatible so they got dumped :).


    What I would like, please, is for someone to tell me how I can add a couple of containers on the Ebon Hawk for storage. Or if someone has a mod or can put a simple one together for me I would be very grateful, as my modding skills don't go beyond the basic stat editing of items.




  7. I am very new here and am unsure who exactly to complain too. I can;t seem to find a link to email the people, or person, in charge and I did NOT want to make this public. However I feel I have to make a complaint and I need to know who to make it too.


    So can I pls have be sent the email address to whomever is in charge here pls?


    This is extremely important...



  8. I am sorry if the answer is somewhere in the forums, however I cannot find it...


    In TSLRCM 1.8.1 has the "new fuel source" mission been fixed?. I used to use a mod that fixed it but after installing TSLRCM there were some modsa that were no longer compatible, including some other "fixes" that was listed as included. Also some mods that I left out cuz I was unsure.


    The fuel one however I don't know. All I know is that I cannot get the fuel source mission to complete. So I need to know if it is included with 1.8.1 or if I should use the "fix" I have.


    If I have to use the old fix that I d/l ages ago, it contains a global.jrl file, is it safe to use the "JRL merger" to merge them?


    Thx for your time...

  9. Thats because afetr running into 4 set of HK-50's T still had not gptten the HK-47 torture scene. So I checked yopu FAQ and it said to delete the eboenter file, so I did. It had served its purpose anyway. I only needed it for my first entrance onto the ebon hawk.

  10. Ok, so this is what happens,


    I walk up between the 2 rows of kneeling sith toward the door of the academy the cut-scenes start

    Atton, Brianna. Mira and Visas talking about attacking Kreia

    Then remote's mission to go to the 4 ships ending with HK-47 and friends killing GO-TO

    Then cutscene with A,B,M and V attack Kreia and Atton takes off

    Then it goes back to me, just inside the front door of the academy.

    Up ahead are two doors, 1 on either side and I can't do anything.


    As for mods, well I did say i had quite a few none of which overwrote any of the TSLRCM files that I am aware of, but here is the list...


    Kreia's mechanicle hand v1.0 by Zionosis

    Hide weapons V2 by iNutter

    Madalorian reslin by Kwn2k (.tga files)

    Oldflash Mandalore by Oldflash

    Tighty Whitey's V 1.1 by Kristy Kistic

    Bao-Dur's repulser skin by SithRevan (.tga file)

    Kreia reskin V1.0 by MANDALORIAN16965S (.tga files)

    T3-M4 R2-D2 reskin by Prime (.tga files)

    REALISTIC NAR SHADDAA SKYBOX by Sharen Thrawn (.tga files)

    Revan Cutscene Force Power Fix by Kristy Kistic

    3 Force crushes by Lit Ridl

    Any spell mod by iLike_Speed

    Choke anyone by Darth333

    A few handy force powers by ?

    Sion force power (Sith regeneration) by Lit Ridl

    Realistic Visual Effects by Shem

    High level force powers V2+V2u1 by ?

    Modified AI, for HLFP by ?

    Feat Progression by Shem

    Force Powers Feat Gain for TSL by Shem

    Increased Attributes and Skills for both KOTOR & TSL by Shem

    Improve_Feats_Fast by Jesse Fett

    [TSL]Coruscant – Jedi Temple + Expansion by ?

    Sith Assassins - With Lightsabers by Shem

    First National Bank of Coruscant by ?

    Bao-Dur/Darth Maul (Version 1.0) by Nimduril (.tga files)

    HK-50 & HK-51 Reskin by ?


    TSL Dark Jedi Conversion Mod by PRIME

    TSL Imperial Officer Mod by PRIME (.tga files)

    WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistol by Inyri Forge

    Warp Band by Lit Ridl

    [TSL] Lightsaber Replacement Hilts by OldFlash

    Admiral Onasi Reskin by Silveredge9

    G0-T0 Reskin by 90SK

    Kristy's Saber Pack V1.0 by Kristy Kistic

    Dark Harbinger: PMHC04 Reskin by NiuHaka (.tga files)

    Frumpless, BETTER MALE BODIES - KOTOR II by ?

    New items for TSL (final fix) by ?

    Harbinger New Skin (Black and Red) by Darth_Exadius (.tga files)

    Pretty Atris V2 by Antinate (.tga files)

    Ravager new decor by Logan Essex (.tga files)

    SURVIVALITEMS by OBIWAN3001 & litridl

    Sith Lord Armor by Shem

    Handmaiden Style Undies For Female PC's by Shem

    Prequel Style Robes by Shem

    Weapons Overhaul by ?

    Ebon Hawk Smugglers Compartment Mod by envida

    Harbinger Crew Quarters Mod by envida

    Lab Station Implant Factory by envida

    Beginning items by RedHawk

    Exile items by RedHawk

    Exile Items boost by RedHawk

    Maverick items by RedHawk

    Maverick robe booster by RedHawk

    Armor Pack by RedHawk

    Prestige bonus by RedHawk

    KotOR I HK-47 by Archer

    Padawan LS-DS by jedigoku



    Thx a lot for your time


  11. Oh boy..., well I do not have links for them, and I use quite a few. However I will try and get a list together for you tomorrow, it's late here now. I haven't played TSL in almost 2 years and only went back to it really cuz I saw that your TSLRCM 1.8.1 was on filefront. Last time I played TSL was back when I was using the old TSLRP.


    Anyway, I made sure to do a clean install and checked your current listing of what mods are and are NOT compatible so I know I have not installed anything that the list said not to. Most of the mods I use are just minoe upgrade to weapons ect, or edited .tga files, for skins or colour change.


    I know I have a few od "RedHawk"'s mods and "Envida"'s, but nothing that overwrote any of the TSLRCM files to my knowledge.


    I was just hoping you would have some idea as to where I should start to look for the problem. If my memory serves me when entering the academy there are supposed to enemies, but there is nobody and all doors are sealed with no icon option to do anything and no messages.


    Any way, its late, as I said I will try and put a list together in the morning.



  12. I just entered Trayus Academy, after "remote" went to all 4 ships, and I am trapped. Can't leave and can't got through eith of the 2 doors ahead. No "icons" whatsoever come up, Either to open, decrypt, blow up, nothing.


    Can anyone please help me out here....


