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About Pimpio

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Being a nosy old fart I went through Nar Shaddaas section of "What's restored" thread after I had played it through. It confirmed pretty much everything I suspected. I must confess that I kept lingering hope that maybe I was wrong and the clumsy and sometimes incoherent dialog was the fault of the mod. Unfortunately it is just the case of an inferior sequel. Quality of TSLRCM is well beyond that of the Kotor II.
  2. I'm playing Kotor II for the first time. I've been trough Nar Shaddaa and currently traveling in Dantooine. Even for a first timer it has been easy to see which parts come from TSLRCM. The thing is that the restored content is of better quality than the original game. The added dialog is more coherent and situations more plausible. Actually the single best experience in game has been the Padawan lost which prompted me to register and thank the makers of this mod. I thank you mod makers for a good time and a great experience.