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Everything posted by Photomotoz

  1. Thanks a lot man! I really appreciate it. So it's nothing that can be fixed in the mod/game without more info, right? I imagine there is actually something to fix but without knowing what triggered it initially we can't do anything. Is this something worth investigating? I could upload prior saves so you could find when the cutscene was, allegedly, triggered. I'm curious, why is it set to "trigger once", what could cause it to trigger again? Or is it a matter of good scripting practice? Or do I just know too little about the engine? Either way, thanks again! For now I'll just look up the cutscene on Youtube.
  2. Hanharr is just lying face down on the ground. I am not able to click on him, I can scroll over him and get a target but clicking it does nothing. I've attached a quicksave of T3 right before I leave the warehouse. I've got saves throughout this whole thing, and prior to it to a degree, so let me know if anything else might be useful. I appreciate you looking into this. 000000 -
  3. No other mods, install process went : Game 1.0b patch High-rez movies TSLRCM 1.8.1 Speaking to Kriea gives this line, not in "dialogue" but out of it : "What is it? This is not the time for questions." Speaking to T3 gets me : "Beep. Deet." Weird thing happened as I was testing some stuff. As Atton, after the cutscene fails, I spoke to T3 and Kriea and walked to the main area of Nar Shadaa. Then I immediately turned around and went back, as I walked over Hanharr's body to get the metal canister I got into a dialogue with the Jedi I was supposed to find, the mustache man. Looking it up, it's supposed to be the conversation that occurs after I come back from Goto and I able to fight or to convince him not to fight. After this encounter I am left in the same room with the door now closed with no way of opening it, its "magnetically sealed".
  4. No, I don't have it. I had checked earlier since I saw a problem some one else had that sounded similar that had the same fix, forgot to mention it in my post that I check for this.
  5. I've run into what I believe is a pretty serious bug but I am not sure what the source of it is. This is my first play through of the game and I'm doing it with TSLRCM 1.8.1. Prior to installing that I installed the high-rez movie thing and the 1.0b patch. The issue is this, I am at the point in the game where I am controlling T3 in the droid warehouse. I playthrough it, get the blank transponder card (nothing is added to the inventory, this is correct I assume), fight the HK droids and then leave. Well, from what I understand that is supposed to trigger a cutscene where I get the codes from Tienn Tubb, this cutscene never occurs and I am warped back to Mira's place as Atton, with Kriea and T3 standing by and Hanharr on the ground (I am dark side). Using a save editor it looks like Hanharr is added to my party, but he's still just there hanging out face down. As Atton, I can walk around and do stuff but I have no idea how I can progress the game, talking to Tienn Tubb results in him asking for a blank transponder card that I do not have. Any ideas? Is this problem TSLRCM related? Thanks for any help! Edit : I tried playing on my girlfriend' save file, as she is light side and has Mira, and it worked just fine with Atton asking T3 where he has been. I am leaning toward there being an issue with Hanharr in the scripts. Any idea's where I can look?