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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2023 in Files

  1. 2 points

    Version 1.0.1


    After installing the High Quality Blasters 1.1 mod by Sithspecter i run into some problems: 1. The Mandalorian Ripper shoots laser bolts from the ground. 2. The Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon is invisible. This mod aims to fix these problems. You still need to install the original mod and then this one. (If you have the Mandalorian Ripper or the Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon in your inventory already, then you need to remove them and then add them back with the KotOR Savegame Editor.)
  2. 1 point

    Version 2.3.0


    For full details, usage instructions, and bug reports — please use the GitHub project associated with this file. This project is a group of tools to make modding the Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (aka. KotOR II) easier, less confusing, and less cumbersome. With these tools, we can now finally enjoy mods like The Sith Lords: Restored Content Mod (and others) on Nintendo Switch! These scripts are by no means necessary, but they will help prevent common issues that can occur, especially when dealing with Aspyr's odd file structure in their port, the port's built-in .tpc override files, and the localized folder structure on the Nintendo Switch. Based on and inspired by jacqylfrost's work! Appreciate your insight as I worked through this. NOTE: these modding tools will ONLY work for modded Nintendo Switches.