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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2016 in Blog Comments

  1. 1 point
    Been there done that and take it from and old guy like me, what your mostly feeling right now will eventually pass until it just becomes a memory and somewhere in your later years, you won't know why you were feeling so distress about it as you are now. Yes I know it's hard to see that right now, but it's true. Here's another thing, find somebody else again. But don't rush into the relationship when you do find somebody else, take it slow and don't use them as a rebound or crutch. Don't complain or talk to your new girlfriend about your ex, most woman (men too) don't like that and will think you haven't gotten over her, which is the thing you want to do. Right? And then you'll start forgetting about the other woman soon enough, not totally - mind you, but enough to get you through the emotions you are feeling right now and not think about her anymore. Just my 2 cents from an old guy who's been there and gotten over long term relationships that went bust.