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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2014 in Blog Entries

  1. 1 point
    Several points of advice which are worth knowing: - Planning now means less time revising, fiddling, dawdling, and wasting time later; - Reading tutorials is never time wasted; - If you don't know how, read the tutorial, test the result, and then go and ask - it's the only way to learn; - 90% of the work goes into 90% of the mod; the other 10% of the mod requires another 90% of the work; - If you can't find the bug, it's probably very, very simple, and very, very obvious; - Label unique files with a unique modder identifier (e.g.: I start most files with "di_"); this saves you time, eases compatibility, and makes it easier to tell which mod (and by whom) any file is. Which is a huge help to people working on stuff. That's all for now.