jjo 2 Posted February 24, 2011 Alright. So it's been brought to my attention by staticjoe66 that despite good efforts, the Malachor cutscenes won't trigger for some people. Y'know, the Atton/Mical fight, the scene where Atton dies if he loses the fight with Sion, the Brianna/Visas fight. Since I've been able to get 2 of these cutscenes (just started my DSM playthrough where I will be as mean to Brianna as possible and cuddle up with Visas), I'll post screenshots for those who haven't been able to get them. EDIT: For those who are interested, screenshots of the fight between Brianna and Visas is on page 2 of this thread. Hope you enjoy! Atton vs. Mical, Part I (This triggers if you have very high influence with Mical and very low influence with Atton. It should show after your party attacks Kreia - of the sound I've found on Youtube) For some reason, Mical decides to turn around in his closeup and face the door behind him instead of face Atton, as he originally was. My fingers are too slow to get him facing Atton in this shot, so I got him mid-turn. Sorry. Atton comes strolling down. Atton activates his lightsaber at the beginning of his scene and then deactivates it. The deactivated lightsaber shot makes more sense so here it is: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted February 24, 2011 Being a noob, I didn't realize what the image limit per post was, so I'll have to quadruple post. Atton vs. Mical Part II I'm assuming this line should be spoken during a closeup of Mical's face. Instead, it is a closeup of Atton's neck and chest. Last shot! Fade to black. The following scene should be the one where the Exile goes through the doors of the academy and Kreia says "When the Exile enters the academy, she will be faced with a choice." Sorry about some of the weird camera angles, but those are inherent in the scene. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted February 24, 2011 Atton's Death, Part I (female Exile - IIRC, the conversation doesn't differ between DS and LS. I lost my LSF Exile playthrough, so here's the DS. This triggers if you have very high influence with Atton and he loses the fight against Sion. It should show after you defeat Kreia.) Strollin' Exile: This scene actually includes dialog choices, but I'm pretty sure Atton says the same thing regardless of what you pick. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted February 24, 2011 Atton's Death, Part II: So there's that. The game ends. To compare, here is a Youtube video of Atton's death scene with a male Exile. Hope you enjoyed these. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 25, 2011 Odd, I check the file and see all my modifications bar Handmaiden switched for Mical when being female (it just doesn't show these 2 lines, I was kinda missing them checking your screenshots). Guess Zbyl deleted them for compatibility with non-english versions though. Still a shame . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted February 25, 2011 Bummer. That is kind of a shame. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 25, 2011 Also, I'll see what I can do about the weird camera stances in that cutscene . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted February 27, 2011 FINALLY saw the Atton/Disciple scene--TY again HH and jjo. Now I'm going for the scene in which Atton dies after losing to Sion--it's strange I didn't see it before as my influence with him (before I lowered it) was in the high 90's, higher than Mical's... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 27, 2011 Pretty sure influence has nothing to do with it. Just wheter or not Atton lives or dies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted February 27, 2011 Hhmmmm...the last time I let Sion kill Atton I didn't see it which is what made me think INF was part of the equation--in any event, I'll again finish the game at some point this week and see what happens. Seeing what happens when a F Exile has low INF with Atton was really really cool--you were right about those cutscenes HH, I LOVED the one in which Atton rats out Mical to Kreia...that was some cool stuff which got me thinking unless you use the KSE there's no way you would see those scenes because pretty much no matter what you do, you get INF with Atton. On Telos when you kill the guy after raiding his apartment, you get influence. On Dantooine, if you kill the guy who wants you to find the atmospheric sensors you get INF with Atton--same with Akarre. But at the same time you also get INF if you stay on the LS path--sure he beefs a couple times but you get that INF gain anyway. On Nar Shaddaa you can get INF with Atton because that's where you can Jedify him. Sure you lose INF with Bao-Dur and Kreia in those instances if you're a DS'er but losing INF with Atton seems to me to be very difficult, LS or DS... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted February 28, 2011 Losing influence with Atton is very difficult, but it is possible. I did use KSE to lower his influence to 10 just to make sure those cutscenes would trigger, but I was able to dip down into the low 30s before that (I was able to fix the problem with KSE not working). Basically, don't have him in your party when you interact with anyone because you will gain influence with him, regardless if you act LS or DS. I always found Atton to be the easiest member to gain influence with. To lose influence with him, you have to actively be mean to him at different times. I unfortunately missed the Peragus opportunities, but if I had done those, I could probably have lost enough influence without using KSE. When you unlock your first influence opportunity on the Harbinger, be mean to Atton. And again, when he mentions he has a "bad feeling about this", threaten him. I basically went through Telos without having him on my party. After meeting with Atris, ask one of the Handmaiden Sisters about your companions and she'll mention Atton has Echani training. To gain influence with Atton, ask him about it and when he refuses to answer, just say "I meant no harm - I just thought it could be an asset" or something like that. Pressing him about it will cause an influence loss. A great influence-related opportunity is the broken airspeeder on Nar Shaddaa. Different team members will offer help on the different things that need to be repaired. Atton will offer his help on the security-related part and being mean to him will cause an influence drop whereas accepting his help will result in an influence gain (As a side note, HK-47 will offer help on the demolitions-related part and Bao-Dur will check the airspeeder out at the very end. I don't think Visas or Kreia offers to help with anything. I didn't test T3, Mandalore, Hanharr, Mira, Handmaiden, G0-T0, or Disciple). But yeah. Atton is probably the most difficult team member to lose influence with, outside of Mandalore (who I have never lost influence with and can't gain enough influence with when playing LS). I'm working on triggering the Handmaiden/Visas fight and losing influence with Handmaiden was super easy. I just checked in KSE and my influence with her is at 2. Wow, that was a really long post. Hopefully someone got some use out of that and it wasn't just me rambling. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted February 28, 2011 jjo you confirmed what I had suspected--it's a tossup who is the easiest party member to Jedify, Atton or Mira. Like you said it's very difficult to lose INF with Atton--I use SuperSquall's Skip Peragus mod but I do know the point you're talking about, you board the Harbinger then that scene plays and if you take too long Kreia fusses at you and you can lose INF with her too. I also skip Citadel Station--I HATE all the backtracking and running around, initially I do lose the EXP points though but make up for that loss with other mods. I'll have to try your being mean to Atton track--I know A LONG time ago, before I knew anything about mods, I played and finished TSL as a DS'er and saw the first cutscene in which Atton goes off on Mical but the other ones were a great surprise. If Zybl and Stoney didn't fix it, the airspeeder on Nar Shaddaa is actually an infinite INF boost for Atton--if you say you'll let the expert handle it and you've already talked to the 2 Twi'Leks in the Refugee quad, Jedifying Atton is a done deal. On the Ravager if you let Tobin live, you lose INF with Mandalore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted February 28, 2011 I always let Tobin live if I play LS and I've never lost influence with Mandalore. Weird. I will, however, gain influence with him if I kill Tobin. Also, I'm pretty sure that infinite influence bug was fixed. And Mira is also super easy to Jedify. I really enjoyed turning her into a dark Jedi, though. It's funny how much I enjoy playing DS in TSL whereas I much prefer playing LS in KOTOR. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 28, 2011 Hope you guys don't mind me removing all the quote blocks. They were gettting kinda big, and were pretty unneccessary. But yeah, I did in my last playthrought get 0 INF with Atton through being mean to him, no KSE used. Fault I made was that in that game I also got 0 INF with Disciple, and thus missed out on all these cutscenes and the Malachor scene. With Mandalore just use random LS actions. He looses influence that way. Although with clans giving +INF you probably don't want to go that way anyways. Can't recall getting -INF from Mand on Ravager. Not sure what infinite INF issue with the speeder you talk about. I did see one mention in a FAQ that you could, but I followed it's instructions and nada. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted February 28, 2011 Sorry about that, HH. I've always gotten positive influence with Mandalore from gathering the clans, but it was never enough as a lightsider. But he's easy to gain influence with when playing DS and unlocking his past doesn't award any EXP or anything, so it's not a big deal. Off topic, but I have a "warn status" bar underneath my avatar on the left that I didn't have before. But I don't think I've ever gotten a warning. Does that bar show up after a certain amount of posts or is it something I should be concerned about? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted February 28, 2011 Interesting HH, you now have me quite curious as to how you did it... The INF loss with Mandalore is interesting too as I twice restarted my game at Dxun and both times I've let Tobin live to set off the proton cores I lost INF...and this was after I went to Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa to reunite the clans...hhmmmm... The air speeder on Nar Shaddaa supposedly is a infinite INF bug with Atton if you say you'll let the expert handle it. I've often wondered though if that INF boost is really necessary--I usually take Atton to the Telos Restoration Zone and Dantooine for the INF gains, and when I checked his status in the KSE before getting to the speeder I was already in the 90's and this is with skipping Peragus. One mistake I made in the past is waiting until later which I no longer do--I create a save right before fixing the speeder, fix it then Jedify Atton right there Hope you guys don't mind me removing all the quote blocks. They were gettting kinda big, and were pretty unneccessary. But yeah, I did in my last playthrought get 0 INF with Atton through being mean to him, no KSE used. Fault I made was that in that game I also got 0 INF with Disciple, and thus missed out on all these cutscenes and the Malachor scene. With Mandalore just use random LS actions. He looses influence that way. Although with clans giving +INF you probably don't want to go that way anyways. Can't recall getting -INF from Mand on Ravager. Not sure what infinite INF issue with the speeder you talk about. I did see one mention in a FAQ that you could, but I followed it's instructions and nada. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 2, 2011 I've always gotten positive influence with Mandalore from gathering the clans, but it was never enough as a lightsider. But he's easy to gain influence with when playing DS and unlocking his past doesn't award any EXP or anything, so it's not a big deal. Yeah, pretty much the only way besides that is doing random DS acts, or by specific actions on Onderon, all of which support Vaklu (though no need to side with him at the end of course). Off topic, but I have a "warn status" bar underneath my avatar on the left that I didn't have before. But I don't think I've ever gotten a warning. Does that bar show up after a certain amount of posts or is it something I should be concerned about? Dunno, I see it for everyone . But since it's empty, nothing to worry about. You should if it starts filling up . Interesting HH, you now have me quite curious as to how you did it... Just be an ass. On Peragus (2x), On the Telos Plateau, once again in the Hawk and with the echani training. Going in his head etc. Blame him for bad bike work. There are -INF options in the dialogue towards Jedification too. If you know the spots, it's not that hard. Just put him out of the team in random lightside/darkside events. The INF loss with Mandalore is interesting too as I twice restarted my game at Dxun and both times I've let Tobin live to set off the proton cores I lost INF...and this was after I went to Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa to reunite the clans...hhmmmm... Should be easy enough to check in the dialogue. But since it's 2AM now, tomorrow . The air speeder on Nar Shaddaa supposedly is a infinite INF bug with Atton if you say you'll let the expert handle it. Maybe it got fixed, maybe it doesn't. I never experienced it myself anyways. But it used to give +1INF, that way it takes a LONG time to max out Atton. The Pazaak training method is faster (though 100% guaranteed fixed). Can't really check it, since there are like 3 or 4 dialogue files for the speeder (:S), and I don't know which is the real one. Suppose I should ask, but meh . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 2, 2011 Just be an ass. On Peragus (2x), On the Telos Plateau, once again in the Hawk and with the echani training. Going in his head etc. Blame him for bad bike work. There are -INF options in the dialogue towards Jedification too. If you know the spots, it's not that hard. Just put him out of the team in random lightside/darkside events. Yeah, my next playthrough will be a DS M and I want to see if I can Jedify Bao-Dur and Brianna without using the KSE--at home I have two links to INF guides, one of which goes step-by-step through both LS and DS paths...I haven't yet decided Atton's fate and am leaning towards not jedifying him this playthrough leaving him on the Ebon Hwak after Telos Maybe it got fixed, maybe it doesn't. I never experienced it myself anyways. But it used to give +1INF, that way it takes a LONG time to max out Atton. The Pazaak training method is faster (though 100% guaranteed fixed). Can't really check it, since there are like 3 or 4 dialogue files for the speeder (:S), and I don't know which is the real one. Suppose I should ask, but meh . All the walkthroughs I've read say it is but again I don't at all believe it actually matters since he's so easy to get INF with and, to me, is the 2d easiest NPC to jedify behind Mira Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 2, 2011 (edited) Letting Tobin live is indeed a random LS act, and as such can give +INF from Visas or -INF from Mandalore... EDIT; And can't find a trace of infinite Atton influence. But maybe TSLRCM already fixed that. Edited March 2, 2011 by Hassat Hunter Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 2, 2011 Dunno, I see it for everyone . But since it's empty, nothing to worry about. You should if it starts filling up . Alright, thanks. Yeah, my next playthrough will be a DS M and I want to see if I can Jedify Bao-Dur and Brianna without using the KSE--at home I have two links to INF guides, one of which goes step-by-step through both LS and DS paths...I haven't yet decided Atton's fate and am leaning towards not jedifying him this playthrough leaving him on the Ebon Hwak after Telos Oh man, I love turning Bao-Dur into a dark Jedi since he starts looking like Darth Maul. You have to take LS hits to dark Jedify him, but I think they're worth it. I always found Brianna fairly easy to Jedify regardless of alignment. Just be nice to her, answer all her questions, avoiding talking to her on the Ebon Hawk after Visas shows up, and win the 3 duels against her. I don't remember any LS hits to dark Jedify her, but it's been a while since I played DSM and was nice to her. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 2, 2011 I keep getting the negative INF with Mandalore which is really irrelevant at that point because if you've talked to him enough he's already told you everything, the last bit coming after the fight with Nihl in the scene with Visas. The infinite INF bug with Atton may have been fixed but I still say it's not at all necessary with the number of spots in which you gain INF with him, LS or DS Letting Tobin live is indeed a random LS act, and as such can give +INF from Visas or -INF from Mandalore... EDIT; And can't find a trace of infinite Atton influence. But maybe TSLRCM already fixed that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 2, 2011 You have to take LS hits to dark Jedify him, but I think they're worth it. Not sure about this one--if you're going all out DS your first opportunity to lose INF with BD is killing the Czerka Twi-Lek in the old base, then trash him after talking to Atris and releasing Kreia and Atton which should put you somewhere in the 30's INF wise. On Dantooine you can kill the guy who wants the atmospheric sensors after telling him you don't care about farmers and/or killing Akarre to get his thorium charges. Yes I know you're supposed to be able to buy them from him but for some reason they aren't in his inventory so I simply pick a fight with him also getting an HK-47 part so you should be able to Dark Jedify him on the Ebon Hawk before leaving Dantooine, I do Dantooine first because that's the best planet to build and pimp a new saber I'll have to try your strategy with Brianna--I'm going to start a new game this weekend Alright, thanks. Oh man, I love turning Bao-Dur into a dark Jedi since he starts looking like Darth Maul. You have to take LS hits to dark Jedify him, but I think they're worth it. I always found Brianna fairly easy to Jedify regardless of alignment. Just be nice to her, answer all her questions, avoiding talking to her on the Ebon Hawk after Visas shows up, and win the 3 duels against her. I don't remember any LS hits to dark Jedify her, but it's been a while since I played DSM and was nice to her. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 3, 2011 I think he means "have Bao Dur be Dark Sided", not turn him as Dark Sider. Because with doing that, Bao is Light-Sided (opposite of your own alignment). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 3, 2011 But after you Jedify him to the Dark Side, doesn't he reflect your alingment? I think he means "have Bao Dur be Dark Sided", not turn him as Dark Sider. Because with doing that, Bao is Light-Sided (opposite of your own alignment). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites