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Workaround for the limited number of body model slots in KOTOR and TSL



Trying to add multiple additional player armor models in KOTOR and TSL almost always results in a mod conflict due to the limited number or body model slots/columns in appearance.2da and the game not recognizing new columns added to the table.

Few mods, such as Jedi Hermit Robes by DarthParametric add new robes as disguises, but from what I’ve seen this method is not popular, because it requires creating .uti file and additional line in appearance.2da for each possible player/party member head - armor - texture combination.

Most of the released ‘new custom armor’ mods for TSL replace models in the same body slots: the unused slot J (Revan / Star Forge Robes) and the underused slot K (Armored Flight Suit).

Replacing the model in slot K means cutting out some of the content planned by the developers (namely Armored Flight Suit types of armor). Moreover, Kainzorus Prime’s Peragus Mining Gear mod uses Armored Flight Suit model from slot K for Miner Uniform and it looks more fitting and authentic than vanilla version.

And for most people slot J is reserved for Jedi Journeyman Robes (Luke ROTJ Outfit) mod by Stormie97 or numerous Darth Revan Armor retextures.

Therefore, I wanted to find a way to use other body slots to increase the number of armor mods players can install.


Slot L


The most obvious candidate is slot L (Dancer Outfit). It used only for one costume (female only), which is required in one side quest.

The idea of replacing the model in slot L is not new and was attempted by at least Dak Drexl in Dak's Armored Robes mod. He put one of his custom armor models in slot L and turned the Dancer Outfit into disguise item that transformed the wearer into female twilek-dancer, which he said was the best alternative he could think of at the time.

So what I did was combine ideas from Dak Drexl’s and DarthParametric‘s mods: added new armor model and textures (for simplicity named PFBLMrepl.mdl and PFBLrepl.tga) in ‘modell’, ‘texl’, ‘texlevil’ columns of appearance.2da table and added 20 new rows (one for each female player head, Mira, Handmaiden) for disguises copying vanilla values to columns ‘modell’, ‘texl’, ‘texlevil’. Preserving vanilla model and texture names in disguise rows will make existing Dancer Outfit retextures and model improvement mods compatible with this project.




Since Dancer Outfit is only needed in 3 cutscenes initiated by the player and due to their structure, all that is needed is to edit 4 scripts:

  1. The PC accepts twilek Domo’s request and chooses who will dance for Vogga and changes their appearance to appropriate Dancer Outfit Disguise (using ChangeObjectAppearance() function).
  2. The cutscene where twilek Domo and the party enter Vogga’s chambers.
  3. PC offers to dance during the dialog with Vogga.
  4. After the dance, the dancer’s appearance can be switched back to their standard.

The downside was that the user could not equip the Dancer costume at will; it was only available during these cutscenes.

And so, to make it closer to vanilla, I added 20 Dancer Outfit Disguise items (one .uti file for each female PC appearance, Handmaiden and Mira). Now the first female who agrees to dance will receive personal Dancer Outfit, which she can equip at any time, but other women in the party won’t. The difference from the vanilla game is minimal, and we freed the body model slot L.

Pic.2 and 3:





Slot M


Slot K (Armored Flight Suits) requires a little more work because these suits can be equipped by both male and female characters. On practice, this means adding another 20 rows (one for each male PC head, Atton, Disciple and, just in case, for Bao-Dur) in appearance.2da and .uti files for each armor that uses this model.

The following items use the armor model from slot K:

  • g_a_armrdfsuit.uti - PFBK01/PMBK01 textures – Armored Flight Suit.
  • - PFBK02/PMBK02 – Beast Rider Flight Suit in some restoration mods. Cut from the game, the texture is unused.
  • a_light_11.uti - PFBK03/PMBK03 textures – Ubese Environmental Suit.
  • mineruniform.uti - PFBK10/PMBK10 – Miner Uniform from the Peragus Mining Gear mod.

We need around 40 disguise .uti for each item. At a minimum, we need to cover Armored Flight Suit. Ubese Environmental Suit could be turned into full-body Ubese costume (with helmet that hides the face) to save work, but I decided to leave it as it is in vanilla game. Beast Rider Flight Suit can be made into NPC-only armor. And Miner Uniform disguise may be added in the future.

Pic.4 and 5:



Since disguise items change the appearance (including the head) of the wearer, that creates 2 problems:

  • We shouldn't have a situation where PC finds a disguise-armor intended for the Exile with a different appearance or head.
  • We must prevent situations where, for example, Mira puts on Atton’s Armored Flight Suit and visually turns into Atton. At the same time, in the vanilla game Armored Flight Suits can be equipped by any non-droid party member, except Bao-Dur and Mandalore. We need to find a simple, immersive way to equip Armored Flight Suits disguises for party members and PC.

The proposed solution: replace vanilla Armored Flight Suit and Ubese Environmental Suit .uti with Atton-exclusive disguise-armor versions. Whenever the player finds Flight Suit type of armor, it will be exclusive to Atton. Atton was chosen, because he joins the party early and will be there for most of the game.

To allow the Exile or other party members to use these Flight Suits, an option to 'readjust ' or change the armor size for a new user has been added to the workbench dialog screen (technically the disguise-armor item will be removed from inventory and a new one, exclusive to the selected party member or PC, will be given at the same time). A text “This armor can be reconfigured for another user at the workbench” or similar can be added to the description of Flight Suits to make it clear to players that these armors can be used by the Exile and others. In-game explanation could be that Flight Suits are loose, bulky armors with lots of straps and metal parts, and therefore they need to be tightened using workbench tools. Of all TSL armors, with Flight Suits it looks the most believable.

Pic.6 and 7:



Armored Flight Suits aren’t upgradeable, but for Miner Uniform and other upgradeable armors, the message “Remove Upgrades from the Armor before readjusting it for other users otherwise you will lose the upgrades” can be added on the workbench dialog screen.

The same approach can be used for Slot J and Slot B, although in slot B case some scripts, where party wear clothes, will need to be edited. Also, there is an issue with slot B: when Handmaiden wears disguise set to Slot B, her head and body will always use Light Side texture, regardless of her alignment. This is likely due to the way her appearance is set up in appearance.2da, but quickly changing values in her row didn’t help.


What about KOTOR?



In K1, where the problem of a limited number of armor slots is especially acute, it is easiest to work with slot J (Revan's Armor), since only 2 models use it, and they are available only through the dialog with the computer. The only inconvenience is that in K1 each player class uses its own set of models (with different height) which means three disguise .uti files for each PC head.

Also, Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Flowing Robes For K1 mod also turns female version of Revan's Armor into disguise, so a compatibility patch or a special version would be required.



My idea is to have a parent mod (not sure how to name it, ‘Underused armors as Disguises’ ?) that turns Dancer Outfit and optionally Armored Flight Suits and slot J armors into disguises (as described above) and then set of mods-companions that add new armor to these slots. For example, mysteriously absent from TSL Bioware’s KotOR robes or their cloaked versions to slot L and Jedi tunics based on Sith Assassins costumes to slot K.

With all groundwork done in the parent mod, all that would be required from modders to make a compatible version is

  1. Rename custom armor texture and model files (including ‘model base’ and ‘anim root’ of the model) to the names specified by the parent mod,
  2. Create .uti files with descriptions and characteristics of custom armor items,
  3. If necessary, set a new baseitem type for custom armors,
  4. Preferably, to spawn the armor somewhere so that users don't have to use cheats to get it.

The downside of this approach is that new heads will need compatibility patches to work with the mod.


I’d like to hear thoughts about this idea, its potential, problems that weren’t addressed and what could be improved.



TSL - Underused armors L and K as disguises v.a1.7z

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