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Entry #2: "And. Here. We. Go."

Heh. One of my favorite moments in the Dark Knight trilogy. Anyways...Like one of my IRL friends, I'm really not one for receiving presents; but...I do enjoy giving them. So, as an inverse birthday present, I'm repackaging some of my mods to upload / update them here with new previews and consistent readme formatting. I started last night with updating "Clothed Beginning", and hope to get more of them uploaded /  updated soon. Unfortunately, I lost most of my original preview images for mod

Ferc Kast

Ferc Kast


Entry #1: Back to the Future...

"Awaken..." *Looks around cautiously*   Well, I seemingly escaped my cyrosleep that I took for reasons I can't recall. I'm so ecstatic to see all the improvements to ease the process of modding, and the new possibilities unlocked.     What, Jolee? You don't think that portrait matches you?  A relatively "small" project I may do is porting the K1 player heads into K2. My first step will be seeing which heads Obsidian didn't remove from the game assets, and then

Ferc Kast

Ferc Kast