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When It Is Perfectly Acceptable to Change the Difficulty to "Easy"

So, I'm making my way through the Undercity, killing Rakghouls. Nothing particularly special.   And so I get to one corner which has a ton of them in it. And they start to overwhelm us (as Impossible Difficulty rakghouls will do if they get up close to you). So Mission beats a hasty retreat as I'm already down and Carth stupidly charges into a nest of them. And I'm left with just Mission up, having to kill the remaining rakghouls before I can do anything else.   Actually, my character revive

Eauxps I. Fourgott

Eauxps I. Fourgott


Review: Early M4-78 Mod

First off, welcome to my new blog! Not sure how much I'll actually be posting here, but that's not the point.   One of the most prominent KOTOR2 mods there is the the M4-78 enhancement project, and I can't imagine that anybody who's looked into these mods at all hasn't heard about it. (Although that might just be because I have a poor imagination.) In any event, what many do not know is that there was another M4-78 mod made and released much earlier (2007, to be exact). Sith Holocron recently

Eauxps I. Fourgott

Eauxps I. Fourgott

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