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Some stuff about modding and other things.

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Records of the Not-So-Grand Historian

Records of the Not-So-Grand Historian

The Mod Forge is the glory of the modders, the apex of their infinite subfolders. It is a source of infinite robe reskins, a tool of unstoppable uploads. An awful lot of information was lost with LucasForums, including the identities of the old Mod of the Year winners from 2005 to 2015. This isn't, per se, important; it's less useful than, for instance, the many, many tutorials we used to have. But it is a loss, nonetheless, particularly since we've kept up the Mod of the Year here at Deadl




Advice about modding, no.2

Just a quick entry, with a tip I've recently rediscovered, namely: how to take screenshots without the GUI.   All you need to do to take screenshots without the GUI visible in TSL is:   1. Activate free-look mode (default keybinding is caps lock); 2. open the console and warp to your desired area.   This will load the area, but leave the console invisible. To make the console visible again, just enter and quit free-look mode again.   On an unrelated note, I have the impression from some




Advice about modding, no. 1...

Several points of advice which are worth knowing:   - Planning now means less time revising, fiddling, dawdling, and wasting time later; - Reading tutorials is never time wasted; - If you don't know how, read the tutorial, test the result, and then go and ask - it's the only way to learn; - 90% of the work goes into 90% of the mod; the other 10% of the mod requires another 90% of the work; - If you can't find the bug, it's probably very, very simple, and very, very obvious; - Label unique



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