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Guest ChAiNz.2da

TSL Hak Pad - Main File

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Guest ChAiNz.2da


File Name: TSL Hak Pad - Main File

File Submitter: ChAiNz.2da

File Submitted: 10 Jun 2011

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes





We've all heard it before, and have felt the burden. "Where's the Cheat Console?!? I can't see it!"


Apparently with the introduction to TSL, we also got introduced to the now 'invisible' cheat codes console which makes it very difficult to accurately get what you want. This mod is a fix for that (of sorts).






What this mod does is allows you to access the game's items via "Virtual Storefronts". So now, not only do you get the item, but you can read the stats, information and such as well as look at them before "creating" the item for yourself. ALL items are included in the variety of Storefronts, and all items are FREE. That's right, FREE, afterall this mod IS a cheating console 'substitute'.


Also, the Hak Pad can award Lightside Points, Darkside Points as well as act as a credit dispenser. PLUS, you can access both a Medical Lab Bench as well as a Workbench.


Because I wanted this to be easily accessible, the Hak Pad can be used from your game's main screen in your usable items bar to the lower left (where the armbands and such are displayed). The item itself is a Datapad, so you don't have to worry about having to equip an item in order to access it's functions.


Please bear in mind this is by no means a replacement for tools such as tk102's SaveGame Editor. That program has MUCH MORE capabilities than this mod. Mine is mainly to be used for in-game cheats without having to exit the game to get them.


One note, this mod will only allow you access to normal in-game items. Not custom items, modded items or anything of that nature. This was one main reason why I decided to use "Storefronts". If you have a little bit of modding knowledge, you can easily "insert" modded items into the Virtual Storefront's inventory. The game will then recognize the new items once you start your game. So in a manner, this mod is 'customizable' to your tastes. However, if your modded items are simply adjusted in-game .uti's (with the same name) those modded items WILL be available within the Storefronts. The inventory calls upon the game's list of item's .uti names.


Upon using the Hak Pad, you WILL notice some items that have no descriptions, or some may have no icons. This is because I've included EVERYTHING from TSL's .uti references. There are visual stunt models, non-upgradeable versions of items and a host of other goodies. I especially urge you to check out the Guns Storefront as it has some unique hand stunts that are amusing to say the least






Just like with cheat code console items, some items may have unknown and unforseeable side effects... this mod is to be used as a "tool" of sorts. All it is, is a visual reference substitute to the cheat console. Of course, at least with this mod, there's no .ini hacks to be made. Even if you don't use it to gain the items, it will at least provide you with some stuff so you can experiment or look over if you are curious. I know that due to the random loot generator, some items are rarely, if ever, seen by everyone... Now you have the chance without having to dig out the cheat codes




Feedback and suggestions are most welcome! I'm quite sure that this mod is 'incomplete' and a Work In Progress. There ARE some features I haven't been able to incorporate yet...(such as Ability and Skills adjustments) but future Booster Packs will add on to it's functionality. Any input to what you'd like to see would be welcome


and lastly, ENJOY!



STATS: (with Booster Pack v.2)



- Workbench

- Component Bench

- Medical Bench

- Virtual Items Storefront (FREE Items)

- Awards LS / DS Points

- Dispense Credits

- Create Chemicals Option

- Create Components Option

- Receive the Lightsaber Quest Parts

- "Train" NPC's into a Jedi Class!

- andargor's Holowan Cloakworks 2 Disguises (over 500+)

- Set PC / NPC's Level

- Adjust Skill Point Levels

- Adjust Attribute Scores

- Special Interface for other Modder's Tools



*- Mod uses TSL Patcher for install. I assume it's compatible with the TSLRCM


**- Must use cheat console or KSE to obtain Hak Pad


***- Be sure to download the Booster Pack(s) for full functionality!!


Click here to download this file

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