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Guest ChAiNz.2da

Bao-Dur's Charged Armor

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Guest ChAiNz.2da


File Name: Bao-Dur's Charged Armor

File Submitter: ChAiNz.2da

File Submitted: 10 Jun 2011

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes





Considering the fact that TSL doesn't allow Bao-Dur to wear robes as a Jedi, and to add insult to injury, dies fairly quickly in a fight, hehehe... I decided to at least give him something decent to wear. As a Jedi, or a "not-so-great" techy fighter, this armor should at least even the odds...






Knowing Bao was vital to the war effort & a gifted man of science, moreso than battle... General commissioned Bao to construct himself some armor capable of withstanding the heat & pressure of both Malachor V and the atrocities of war itself.


Bao knew in order to fashion armor capable of withstanding heavy attacks it would have to be significantly powered. The problem was, there wasn't readily available, nor renewable, sources of power on the field of battle. It was then he realized a more significant value to his remote.


With ingenuity and a handful of luck, Bao was able to synch one of the remote's power subsytem generators to "transmit" or radiate a small, unique frequency power field.

Specialized plates on Bao's armor collect this radiation, process it and runs it through microscopic amplifiers arrayed throughout the armor.

The processed energy is then used to power the armor's functions and generate micro repulsor fields to withstand numerous forms of attack.

Just one of the many tiny secrets why Bao-Dur is hardly ever seen without his remote close by...


A "bonus" side-effect of the armor's construction is it's ability to "soak" a limited amount of enemy fire & process it much in the same manner as the remote's power field.


It is rumored that Bao-Dur studied the works of another gifted engineer & Jedi, Segan Wyndh. Though unconfirmed, Bao may have implemented some of Segan's designs and "unconventional" methods...


** This armor will allow the usage of Force Powers & accept "Heavy Armor" upgrades **






- Restricted to Bao-Dur

- Base AC 8

- +2 Defense, for a total of AC 10

- Max Dexterity Bonus +8

- Damage Reduction, +5 Soak 30

- Damage Resistance, Universal 30/-

- Improved Saving Throws, All +2

- Immunity, Critical Hits

- Accepts Heavy Armor Upgrades

- Allows usage of Force Powers



*- This mod incorporates stoffe -mkb-'s TSL Patcher program, so I assume it's compatible with TSLRCM.


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