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New Colour Variant

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Some of you may remember we used to have a Green, Blue, Red & Yellow variation of the style.


We now have an Orange variation and the guys who designed the style have a Blue & Red on the way too. The Orange will replace the Yellow as in all honesty that never really worked.


To make the site Orange, you can change it in the drop down box at the bottom left of all pages.


To change it quickly now, click this link to Make DS Orange.

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Guest HK-47

Statement: The link doesn't work for me. The only option is green at the bottom.

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Guest Crixler

It's not working for me, either. Looking forward to blue!

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Guest Qui-Don Jorn

Ooooh...eernge. Its working!

maybe we should give this a fancy name like,..halloween.

i see you have midnight glow already..nice.

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Well I never, it appears IPB allows you to select which usergroups can access each skin.


It should work now.

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Nothing too exciting but we now have new logos too.

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Guest Dak Drexl

I'm definitely liking the orange as well as the new logo top left. Nice job :thumbsup:

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Guest HK-47

Statement: It works now.


Request: I request that they make a nice rusty red. You should already know the reason. Until then Orange or green will do.

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If you have any suggestions to the colour hex I'll put it to the style developers - Can't guarantee as some hex just don't work with the greys.

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Guest Crixler

Hex codes for colours?

I think 0387df would be amazing.

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Guest milestails

The colors reflect KOTOR and TSL:


Blue - KOTOR, Wesley's Blue Interface for TSL

Green - TSL

Orange - Revenge of Revan


There must be a connection.

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It's coincidence.


We used to have green, blue, red and yellow and I wanted to get that again, although yellows was always rather crap so orange replaces that.


The red one is on it's way and should be here at the weekend.

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