Guest Plastic

Star Wars Quote Wars

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"It gives me a certain pleasure when the "furnishings" pull out tibanna powered rifles and fire at their owners' heads"

- HK-47

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Guest Fury of Revan

"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain... You are all these things, Revan, and yet, you are nothing."


~Darth Malak (Kotor 1)

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Guest Fury of Revan

"You are a very harsh master, Master. I like you."


~HK-47 (Kotor 1)

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Guest Fury of Revan

"He left a lot of people who cared about him behind. But I think he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. But whatever he set out to do, I… I don't think he succeeded."


~Carth Onasi (Kotor 2)

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Guest Fury of Revan

"This 'deluxe model' is the only thing standing between you and a bloody death, so you'd best be showing some respect, trooper."


~RC-1138 "Boss" (Republic Commando)

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Guest HK-47

Quote: *Boss's voice* I wish they'd stop doing that!- RC 01/138 (Boss):Republic Commando

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Guest Plastic

"I have had enough of this - I will be in my chambers"

- Kreia, KotOR2


"Afraid... are you?"


--Yoda, speaking to Anikan, in The Phantom Menace

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Guest hkmandalore47

Well, maybe 38's a copy, of a copy, of a copy! - Scorch on Boss Republic Commando

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Guest plasma890

"I have had enough of this - I will be in my chambers"

- Kreia, KotOR2


"Yeah, me, too. I'll be in my chambers. But since I don't have any, I guess I'll just go to the cockpit like I always do. If she's coming with us, she gets the cargo hold. Might remind her how fun it is to get locked up."-Atton Rand

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Guest hkmandalore47

"Yeah, me, too. I'll be in my chambers. But since I don't have any, I guess I'll just go to the cockpit like I always do. If she's coming with us, she gets the cargo hold. Might remind her how fun it is to get locked up."-Atton Rand

Why is it that everywhere I go I end up in a cell? - Atton, KotOR II

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"Yeah, me, too. I'll be in my chambers. But since I don't have any, I guess I'll just go to the cockpit like I always do. If she's coming with us, she gets the cargo hold. Might remind her how fun it is to get locked up."-Atton Rand


One of the rules was that you couldn't have two quotes from the same conversation, so I'm afraid you'll have to redo that one.

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Guest Luminous Being

"Echo Base, this is Rogue Two. I've found them. Repeat, I've found them."



Zev Senesca, after locating Luke Skywalker and Han Solo on Hoth. Empire Strikes Back

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Guest hkmandalore47

One of the rules was that you couldn't have two quotes from the same conversation, so I'm afraid you'll have to redo that one.

they actually arent from the same conversation. the "chambers" one is when you leave telos after accepting brianna. the other one is when you arrive at the telos academy. however, if the rule is that you cant use the same person twice, then thats a different story. unless, you werent talking to me.




That is a common misconception not supported by facts. - G0-T0 on Revan.

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It wasn't you, it was the one before you.


"The penalty for failure is death"

- Darth Malak upon hearing of Calo Nord's failure

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Guest hkmandalore47

It wasn't you, it was the one before you.


"The penalty for failure is death"

- Darth Malak upon hearing of Calo Nord's failure

ah nvm then.


The failure is yours! No longer do your whispers crawl within my skull. No longer do I suffer from teachings that weaken us. - Darth Sion

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"Invade the mind of another? That is not something done carelessly. Or when there is nothing to be gained."

- Kreia, KotOR2

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Guest hkmandalore47

I'm a Toydarian! Mind-tricks don't work on me! - Watto to Qui-Gon

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Guest HK-47

Statement: Obtaining compliance without inflicting pain. It is still a difficult concept to grasp. -HK-47 about the use of the mind trick

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Guest bendarby24

"stop, no! through pain comes hate, and through hate and anger come the power of the dark side" - count dokko in the clone wars

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Guest hkmandalore47

Make them suffer! - General Grievous on board the Invisible Hand

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Guest hkmandalore47

Patience, Viceroy, she will die. - Dooku, Attack of the Clones

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"If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed"

- Darth Sidious, Return of the Jedi

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Guest bendarby24

destory the intire planet - darth malak k1

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