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Adding a Force Power with a script when leveling up

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Hi deadlystream, i'm asking here because i'm in a pinch and I don't know what to do.

I'm trying to create a passive force power that doesn't appear in the force power selection screen and instead it's given to you as soon as you get your first prestige class. This "passive" power, resembles stuff life Force camouflage which is given to you whe you are a watchman/assassin (also fury, inspire followers ecc.. even though they aren't passive powers but you get the point). If i look at spell.2da, this "prestige powers" don't appear to have level requirements because they have all those -1 in the respective column which means that there is a script that makes your character learn them, it has to be.

Point is, can i write a script like this myself? Something like when PC gets a level, if PC jediclass is weaponmaster, watchman or whatever, give x power to him. Is this stuff hardcoded in the engine and i can't do anything about it? Where do i start? I'm familiar with editing the k_inc_force so i understand something about how to code/compile in kotor2, i'm not a complete beginner.


Edit: I found a smart (if I say so myself!) workaround to the problem. Thread can be closed.

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