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Spar Practice with Visas

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[R] Spar Practice - After Visas joins the party (and has a lightsaber) the player would be able to spar with her under Kreia's supervision


Have any of you been able to trigger this event? Whenever I speak to Kreia about lightsaber combat training, she keeps saying that I need to find a lightsaber in order to start the training. But there is a little problem: I have a lightsaber, so does Visas.


So what is this? Is it a bug or hasn't been restored yet?

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I've gotten this to work when the Exile is wielding 2 lightsabers (either both regular or one regular, one short) and Visas is wielding a single or double lightsaber. Just leaving the appropriate amount of lightsabers in my inventory (or wielding only one lightsaber) never worked for me.

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I did as you said and it really worked. Thanks for the help; it'd never have come to my mind. Is it working as intended, anyway? Since it seems sort of strange that you can only trigger it when dual-wielding.

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You're welcome. I'm glad it worked for you. :harhar:


It makes sense, in a way, but it's not very clear. You do start off dueling Visas with dual lightsabers and the game does tell you "You need 2 lightsabers" after you equip yourself and Visas with one (I think).


But yeah. I think the instructions should be clarified. They should let you know the Exile needs 2 sabers and Visas needs a lightsaber of some sort.

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Guest staticjoe66

Honestly I don't usually bother with this--I have done it in the past but it's not like you get a new saber form out of it or anything so I usually just skip it



Have any of you been able to trigger this event? Whenever I speak to Kreia about lightsaber combat training, she keeps saying that I need to find a lightsaber in order to start the training. But there is a little problem: I have a lightsaber, so does Visas.


So what is this? Is it a bug or hasn't been restored yet?

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