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Guest HaVoKeR

Question about KotOR

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Guest HaVoKeR

Anyone that plays D20 system knows what i am talking about... in TSL this is already implemented, but in KotOR... well, lets just say that dual weapons are the best option by far in this game because of that.

The thing is, if you wear a single handed weapon with 2 hands, you should get 1.5x of your Str modifier in bonus damage with that weapon (but it doesn't happen in K1), same thing for double bladed weapons, but only the main atack in that case, plus, your extra atack from the second weapon (including the one from staff weapons) should get ONLY 1/2 your Str modifier in it, but it get the full modifier as bonus in K1.

So what i want to ask is, is there any way to apply that "correction" of damage bonuses related to STR in KotOR 1? Just like in TSL.

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