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Test Drive Unlimited 2

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I just investd in TDU2 today - I loved the first one and have been looking foward to playing the second.


I have to admit I was very dissapointed in it. I played about an hour and then turned it off.


I understand as you advance in the game you can get better cars but I found the cars I had were useless - I'd be driving along and completely random and for no reason, I'd lose control of the damn thing and crash.


I'm not sure if I'll give it another go but how it stands right now, sooner rather than later it's getting traded in.


Anyone else played it and found it crap or enjoyed it?

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I just investd in TDU2 today - I loved the first one and have been looking foward to playing the second.


I have to admit I was very dissapointed in it. I played about an hour and then turned it off.


I understand as you advance in the game you can get better cars but I found the cars I had were useless - I'd be driving along and completely random and for no reason, I'd lose control of the damn thing and crash.


I'm not sure if I'll give it another go but how it stands right now, sooner rather than later it's getting traded in.


Anyone else played it and found it crap or enjoyed it?


The only good racing game I've played in quite a while is Blur. It's like Gran Turismo had a deformed bastard child with Mario Kart. Unfortunately, the studio that had developed it shut down because it sold like crap. Oh well.

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I love the first one, but I'm currently waiting until the price drops for Radient Historia on the DS. I had been considering TDU2, but now I'm not so sure.

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I love the first one, but I'm currently waiting until the price drops for Radient Historia on the DS. I had been considering TDU2, but now I'm not so sure.


I was considering grabbing Radiant Historia as well, if only because it's developed by Atlus, and I love them dearly.

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Guest HK-47

Statement: I didn't think that Test Drive games were still being made. The only one I've ever played was Test Drive 5 on the PC. I hated it at first, but then when I played it more and got really good and unlocked the '68 Ford Mustang Mk1. I smoked everything with that going 220 mph. Good times. Unfortunately I had to give it back to my cousin and now he doesn't know where it is :) .

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