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Bounty Hunter Class restoration trouble

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I've recently tried to put the Bounty Hunter class back into TSL, but I've gone wrong somewhere; the option is still available, and works just fine as far as feat selection and skill gain goes, but the name is entirely missing, and just shows up blank in both TSL and KSE.


The adjustments I've made are as follows;


Edited TLK in both steam TSL main and TSLRCM in workshop, giving two previously blank entries text and saved. Opened them again afterward to confirm successful saves for both.

Edited classes.2da to reference the two edited entries in the name and description fields for BountyHunter.

Edited classes.2da skillstable field to 2 for BountyHunter, then saved the changes to name, description, and skillstable fields in both TSL main overide and TSLRCM workshop folder overide. Opened them again afterward to confirm successful saves for both.


After first failure, verified file integrity, but it didn't fix the problem.


Was there something I missed?

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