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Autobalance.2da Questions

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I am trying to rebalance the game to the point where the AI doesn't have ridiculous amounts of HP during the post 30 levels but have improved offensive capabilities (to hit and damage levels increased, health decreased, saves and defense ratings stay the same). I know how to edit the autobalance.2da file with the 2da editor offered by Kotor Tool, but I don't know the details for some of the specific columns in the .2da file, so I have a couple questions.


1) What does the crmod column indicate? I can't think of any character stats that match up with that name


2) How does the levelmult column work? Is it indicating how much your playable character's level affects NPC stats? 


3) What were the vanilla values for autobalance.2da? I would like to have them as a frame of reference in making my own adjustments. 



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Crmod might stand for Challenge Rating modifier (an enemy's CR determines experience received upon killing: the higher the rating, the more experience received).


Levelmult determines enemy level although, based on some recent investigation to corroborate bead-v's Character (Stat) Guide, the only autobalanced stat this affects is Vitality. However, this enemy level is also used when determining Difficulty Classes for Force powers and feats, and Force Resistance and Immunity.


This is a copy of the unmodified autobalance.2da:

(Row Label)	name		vpmult	tohitmult	armormult	damagemult	savemult	crmod	levelmult
0		No_Auto_Balance	0	0		0		0		0		0	0
1		Set_1		0.65	0.9		0.6		0.065		0.8		-3	0.75
2		Set_2		0.65	0.9		0.7		0.09		0.9		-2	0.75
3		Set_3		0.65	0.95		0.8		0.11		1		-1	0.75
4		Set_4		0.7	1		0.9		0.135		1		1	0.75
5		Set_5		0.8	1.1		1		0.175		1.05		4	0.75
Fun fact I've learned from this: Force Resistance alone makes you completely immune to Darth Traya's Force powers from level 41 onwards, since at level 41 she's only level 30 and 41 + 10 > 30 + d20... although her lightsaber damage multiplier at that level is 7 (so Damage Breakdown: = energy (2-20) * 7 + strength mod 13 + weapon specialization 2, or 29-155, on Normal), increasing to 8 for levels 42-46 (31-175) and 9 for levels 47-50 (33-195).
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