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Visas' Black Robe

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File Name: Visas' Black Robe

File Submitter: Stoffe

File Submitted: 06 Mar 2016

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: No



Currently, TSLRCM compatibility is unknown, as files from Visas' arrival sequence were modified to give her the robes...


Original Review on Filefront:

This is an updated file from Stoffe that replaces Visas Marr's default leather dress looking Sith Robe to one styled after the Padawan Robe. The original file can be found here...;41145


This robe is meant for Visas only. It's been modeled to fit her head and arm cuffs that match Visas' veil, with a red cloth instead of a belt similar that is similar to her original leather robe. The author totally disliked Visas' original leather robe, so she came up with something more appealing to her.


This new robe for Visas comes with 4 points added to her defense, 4 points to her Regenerating Force Points, 4 points to her Wisdom and Charisma, and a Blaster Bolt Deflection Increase of 4 points (the author really loves the number four for this mod, doesn't she?). It's also scripted so Visas gets this robe as soon as she joins your party.


This mod comes with some .2da files that needed to make this mod work. The author has given you the TSL Patcher to make this mod compatible with all other mods out there (unlike the last Visas' Marr Robe mod she did). Make sure you read the instructions in the info.rtf file to make sure you install this correctly.


And of course, enjoy this mod by Stoffe.


Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.






Click here to download this file

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