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Questions about the swkotor.ini

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Hello! Not sure if this is where I'm supposed to post this, so I apologize if this isn't the correct place.




I have a few questions about the swkotor.ini file. 


On another website I saw that someone had changed their KOTOR 2 swkotor2.ini "Number 2D Voices=64" and "Number 3D voices 57" to improve quality of audio.


I tried to apply those settings to my KOTOR 1 swkotor.ini and it reverted them both to 32, so I assume that is the highest for KOTOR 1?


Also I'm curious if changing any of these settings could improve audio quality:


Environment Effects Level=0.60
2D3D Bias=1.50
Environment Effects=1
Environment Effects Nonstreaming=1
Environment Effects Streaming=1
Also on the same website I saw they changed their KOTOR 2 swplayer.ini "Memory Access=2 Memory Level=2"  I see the same settings in KOTOR 1's swkotor.ini. 
Does this increase quality of anything, or do anything to the game?
Also, is there anything else in the .ini's, or that can be added, to improve quality of graphics or audio?

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