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Prequel-style Robes

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File Name: Prequel-style Robes

File Submitter: Shem

File Submitted: 05 Nov 2015

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


Fans of the prequels should be happy with this very large set of prequel-inspired robes - 28 in all. There are various color combinations to choose from, and Shem has also gone as far as to include customized robes for each trainable (or Jedi) member of your party. Even Bao-Dur has a special "Jedi robe" (armor that acts as a robe, since he can not wear them). The robes have modified stats and come in a pretty wide variety of colors, though the colors seem restricted to something a Jedi might actually consider wearing. Sorry, no Hawaiian robes!


Still asking yourself why you should download this mod? Each customized robe has some very good (but not unbalanced) stat bonuses and perks. They are-- Ha, you didn't think I was going to tell you, did you? Go play and find out for yourself! That's half the fun anyway ;).


Just as a note, this is mod is best played starting from a new game if you want the greatest effect as quickly as possible with as few complications as possible. This also contains a fix for older versions for a bug concerning Bao Dur's robe.





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