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Download:Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions

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File Name: Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions

File Submitter: Shem

File Submitted: 05 Nov 2015

File Category: Skins

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


As we saw in Episode 3, the Dark Side does not automatically mean you start looking like Darth Sion on a bad skin day. It's a far more subtle, quiet thing to fall. The changes are subtle, aside from yellowed eyes glowing with the Dark Side's power.


Shem broken out these faces of the Dark Side for our Exiles, male and female. However, when the Exile goes Dark, she/he does not go alone. Therefore, there are DS transitions for every member of the Exile's crew! Now, you can watch the subtle evil creep across the Handmaiden's face or see Mira's face grow stony. That, and Atton still retains his lady-killer face while reverting back to literal lady-killer status.


Again, roses and onions will allow the modder to make more and better mods in the future. It is also the only payment modders receive for the hours of hard work that goes into a project.


- Allronix



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