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Feat Progression for TSL

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File Name: Feat Progression for TSL

File Submitter: Shem

File Submitted: 05 Nov 2015

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



Original Review on FIlefront:


Well this is fun.. two awesome mods from Shem in one day. It is not surprising though, Shem is an awesome modder and when he puts out a mod he goes all out. It looks like this one is the counterpart to the one I just reviewed last. Well I know that you all have heard my speech from the last one so I am going to get right into the review.


This mod is actually very unique in several ways 1 it deals with the way your characters gain feats, 2 it uses a 2da file that is really not used very much, and three well it is just plain cool. What this mod does is it upgrades the amount of feats you gain on every level up cycle. That way instead of getting maybe 1 or 2 feats you are going to be getting double that or more depending on your class. This mod also gives you feats based on class like lets say for example you were a bounty hunter, it will try give you more feats based on that class. So you can definitely see how this mod would come in handy throughout the entire game.


So like I said before on the last review I did, I have to hand it to you Shem. Not only did you make a way cool mod you made it for both games. That takes real skill and patients, so I have to commend you on that one. ;) Now to all of you out there just waiting to get your hands on this.... enjoy. :D


Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.





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