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Download:Custom Party Member Portraits

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File Name: Custom Party Member Portraits

File Submitter: Shem

File Submitted: 15 Sep 2015

File Category: Skins

K1R Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


Our dear and glorious leader Shem returns with an update to his Custom Party Member Portraits mod. Well, two updates, actually--but this one is for K1 (the K2 version will be along shortly). For those of you unfamiliar with the mod, Shem has replaced each party member's portrait with a close-up screenshot. The first version of the mod was released over a year ago. Well, Shem decided that he could do a better job, and is back with more.


Once again, each party member's portrait is replaced with a close-up screenshot over a light-colored background. Even Trask gets a new portrait for his brief stint as a party member. Also included is an alternate portrait for HK-47, with the assassin droid we all know in love sporting a blaster rifle, as well as alternates for Jolee and Juhani, to go with two other mods Shem has released in the past (the first replaces Jolee with a Yoda-species, and the second replaces Juhani with a reskin of one of the player appearances).


Not much else to say; if you like the look of the new portraits, give it a download. As for me, I think this version is even better than the first. Enjoy! :D


NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.





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