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Light Lightning Cannon

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File Name: Light Lightning Cannon

File Submitter: inyriforge

File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


"Yay! New models for the game are always welcome tongue.gif I remember playing this for JK:A and it was really good. Basically this is a brand new gun model for Kotor2. The lack of any shaders is dissapointing, but i feel that shaders are an extra bonus. I know how inryi loves her shaderswink.gif Hopefully this will be remedied if the author releases more models. But you dont really need them because it still looks greattongue.gif It says in the readme that

Quote:once I'm comfortable with the compilation process I'll start making weapons specifically for KotOR.

More great news biggrin.gif

So everyone go download this. It's a very nice addition to the game.





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