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Dragon Axe

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File Name: Dragon Axe

File Submitter: inyriforge

File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


"What a fantastic model! In fact it's actually two models. wink.gif This has to be one of the greatest models I've seen to date for kotor2! Inyri is starting to become one of the top model makers for the game. The actual axe itself is amazing in detail, right down to the nicely crafted handle. It kind of gives a bird like effect, with the wings apearing as the blades themselves. The second model is a variant of the original, that being it's a double axe that replaces the vibro double-sword model in the game. Again nicely done, beautiful skining has been applied. So if you looking for a change from the oringinal models go ahead and download this masterpiece.


- JediKilla"



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