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File Name: Katana

File Submitter: inyriforge

File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



Original Review on Filefront:


"Katanas. I've always like katanas. To me, they were always sleeker and better-looking than those huge, heavy european broadswords. They were a more elegant weapon for a more ... Anyway, Inyri shows us her modeling talent with this weapon, her version of the Japanese katana. The proportiions are correct and the blade looks spot-on. The only problem I noticed with the model is that if you look at it in first-person view, it looks like the blade clips with the handle a bit. It's not really noticable, though, during normal play. The skin for the handle seems a little odd to me. It doesn't seem really detailed and is a bit blurry. However, the blade looks pretty good and the shader for it works perfectly. Overall, I like this model and I'll keep it in my override folder, though compared to Inyri's other models, it feels a little bit rushed. Recommended download, though.


- IfritZero"



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