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M8 Assault Rifle Replacement

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File Name: M8 Assault Rifle Replacement

File Submitter: inyriforge

File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015

File Category: Mods

TSLRCM Compatible: Yes



Uploaded by permission of the author.


Original KotORFiles review:

"Here we have the TSL version of Inyri's M-8 Assault Rifle Mod. Since it's identical to the KotOR I version (except for being for KotOR II, of course tongue.gif ), I'll quote my review of that one:

Quote:Inyri, a modder who needs no introduction, returns with a model replicating the M-8 Assault Rifle from Mass Effect 2. This model replaces the default blaster rifle model for KotOR 1. As such, it has the same item stats as the default blaster rifle. The screenshot below shows the weapon far better than any description could.


This is, it must be said, a beautiful weapon, but also a rather tricky shape to model. Inyri's model and texture more than do the original justice; the texture exceeds even the standard that Inyri has in the past shown us, while the model is a superbly accurate rendering of the original. To be blunt, this may be the best weapon-model KotORFiles has seen since Inyri's last upload with us.


Indeed, it's hard to think of anywhere that the author might improve on this. The use of an animated texture for the three bars behind the "lower" gun-barrel might have allowed for the use of a light metallic shine over the rest of the model, which might be said to look a little flat at present, but this would be a lot of work for very little gain, and is really more of a matter of taste. In all, this is a really excellent-looking weapon. And what more could you ask for from a weapon model?

Mod Rating: Advanced


NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative.


-Darth InSidious"


Installation Instructions:

Copy the contents of the archive to your SWKOTOR2 Override directory.


Included Files:












-The Read-me file


Uninstall Instructions:

Remove the above named files from your override folder.



This model is a replica of the M-8 Assault Rifle as seen in the game Mass Effect 2 (similar to the rifle from the original Mass Effect, but the design is slightly different). This is simply a blaster rifle replacement, so all of the weapons that use the w_blstrrfl_003 model will now show up as this rifle, leaving it compatible with other custom blaster mods... except other replacement mods, naturally.



Click here to download this file

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