Vaders Elite

What are the Main Upcoming WIP mods for K1?which i should keep an eye on?

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Tbh, I feel like this should just be posted in a status update, but example mods could be K1R, joraks retexture project, maybe even my lightsaber mod since it adds 40 new crystals to the game, both color and power crystals. But it's really up to you if you check out the WIP section.

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Tbh, I feel like this should just be posted in a status update, but example mods could be K1R, joraks retexture project, maybe even my lightsaber mod since it adds 40 new crystals to the game, both color and power crystals. But it's really up to you if you check out the WIP section.

Yeab but it takea agea to search and find the main ongoing projects


Whats jorkas retexture project?

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Thank you for the links. It is sometimes hard and time consuming for me to look through the forum so I really appreciate that you took the time to find some easy-to-find threads for me.

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