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Can't get textures for robes to work

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Hi there DeadlyStream modders, I am having a butt load of trouble getting the textures that Rece made me to work the the uti's for the robes that I have made.


An example of a .uti plus one of the .tga's is in the zip file below. If anyone can work out why this is not working, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)


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I have a question too but 1st here's an answer: looks like he got the .uti messed up a bit, open it up with the KotOR tool and change the texture variation to 75 and if the model displays okay leave it but if not change the model variation to 0. Hell yeah i sound like I know what i'm doing, maybe I do maybe I don't. Good luck :D


[Hijacking Deleted]

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