
Crash while entering Nar Shaddaa

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Hi everyone!


My game constantly crashes on Nar Shaddaa (first time on Nar Shaddaa, after team discussion and droid yacht video). After droid yacht movie, I had a black screen and a game crash.


Game - 1.0b, TSLRCM 1.8.2 and M-478EP. No other mods installed.


My savegame (just before Nar Shaddaa).

000030 -


Could anyone help with it ? Thanks.

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Interesting... It will load fine for me, but luckily the game autosaves sometimes. I skipped past the Ebon Hawk sequence and the Goto's yatch video.

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Hi tpiom,


Thanks for your help! Savegame load fine, no crash :)

Could you please do the same with this savegame ? (I've finish Dxun and Onderon since my last post %))


000032 -



Seems I found a solution to prevent Nar Shaddaa crash. Not perfect, but it works :)

I've analyzed tpiom savegame and found global variabled that return the cutscene status. Thanks tpiom!


If anyone else has a crash on the first visit to Nar Shaddaa, here is solution:

1. Open your savegame via KSE and expand Globals->Numerics

2. Find 301_INTRO_SCENE

3. Change value to 2


This trick will skip cutscene that crashes the game.

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I've got a similar problem, only I'm further into Nar Shaddaa. Every time I enter the landing pad area, the screen goes black. I can go to inventory and party screens, but I can't move the characters or get rid of the black screen. I've attached the save game file. Any help would be appreciated.

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Got the same problem too, tried to load save game and changed the numeric but no progress.

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