
Fullscreen Brightness bug fix?

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Shot in the dark, but is there a fix available for the wacky issue with fullscreen? I'm not messing with widescreen, my question has nothing to do with widescreen lol

Basically, if I play in fullscreen, it's crazy dark. And the brightness slider does nothing. Also, if I click outside the window to my second monitor to do something, the game minimizes (with a few seconds of choppy awkward blackness and sometimes this causes it to crash.

I've been playing in Windowed mode, becasuse that eliminates this problem, but I'd rather play in fullscreen because if I do, the UI elements scale properly and it's easier to click things. I'd rather play in 800x600 stretched to fill my display than in 3840x2160 with itty-bitty UI. Any ideas?

My primary display is 3840x2160, second monitor is 1080x1920 (portrait, though that probably doesn't matter)

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