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A Couple Of Questions

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Hey guys, I have a couple of questions about modding TSL. It's been a while since I've built a module, and this time I actually have a script (I'll explain everything later, as soon as I've built some credibility for myself ;P). So, if you could answers these questions, that would be fantastic:


  1. Is it possible to, at some point in the middle of a game, replace the party members? For example, let's say you start the game with 5 people in your party. Is it possible to, through scripting or some method, replace those 5 people with a new 5 people?
  2. What are the limitations of the audio engine? I'm pretty sure its very basic (no "interactive music" like you would have in many more modern games), but are there any scripting functions for playing around with the music/sound?
  3. Are there any timers you can use, and how do they work (if they exist)?
  4. How does the game determine the first module? Is it always supposed to be called "001ebo"?
  5. While I'm at it, what are the limitations of animation? For cutscenes, can I create my own animations and have them play?
  6. Many games feature some sort of function where you can slow down time, even pause it completely. Is it possible in TSL?
  7. I honestly can't remember for the life of me; can you make swords and lightsabers go "through" people? I'm pretty sure you can, and in that case, can you add blood effects?

That's pretty much it for now. I'm going to get back to making some test modules and learning how to import some new models in TSL. Thank you guys.

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