
Star Wars Role-play character and rules thread

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I've decided to start a role-playing thread, but haven't actually started the story yet, so I'm setting this up so that everyone knows the (very lenient) rules and anyone can define their characters if and when they want to join the actual RP.



1. Actions are indicated in *asterisks*

2. Thoughts are indicated in italics

3. Speech is indicated in "speech marks"

4. Out-of-character (OOC) comments (please only say things OOC if needed) in ((double brackets))

5. Write in third person and present tense

6. Make sure you enter and leave an area, don't just start doing something without being there

7. There is no Thread Master making sure the plot stays on course, anyone can shape and mould what goes on


My character:

I'm the character I always am here on Deadly Stream, my blog explains all :¬)


Anyone who wants to get involved can explain their character in this thread, and (if they are so inclined) suggest starting locations. It's a big Galaxy, there are plenty of places out there to have something happen!

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