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  1. Hey all! As a newcomer to the forums, I felt it only right that I start things off by saying hello. (So when you see me commenting on mods you don't go "Who is this noob?! How dare he post here without an introduction?! BAN HAMMER!!!" ). A little about me, I'm Canadian. I've been a gamer for a long time now, ever since my parents bought me a Sega Genesis as a kid. I've been a fan of Kotor since I saw my best friend's brother playing it on the Xbox, and it's my opinion that TSL is the best story to ever be included in the Star Wars saga. I'm also fond of watching anime, and it's a dream of mine to become an indie game developer and something of a semi-prolific modder. I'm just too unmotivated half the time to be a creator and not just a consumer. What else... I'm 26 and a recent web design grad, I'm happily married (Sorry ladies XD *shot*), I have an unhealthy love for parentheses, and I'm a bit of a dork who likes to think acting pretentious is cool. I found my way to deadlystream a few days ago when I had my desire to play the Kotor series rekindled, only to find out that the filefront Kotor site had been officially nuked (sad day). Since I refuse to live without mods, I went on a quest to find a new community with more than the paltry fourty five mods found on the nexus. I'd have been happy to lurk and just check out the latest mods, but I decided it was really about time I came out of the shadows to actually express my gratitude properly to the many amazing people who've thus far been far motivated than myself and whose mods I greatly enjoy. Anyways, it's nice to meet you all! I don't know just how much I'll be on here, but I'll be around! ~Trudos