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Found 3 results

  1. Does anybody know where to get the NWMax plug in for GMax? the link on this tutorial thread is broken/corrupted (virusy) It's the only thing I'm missing - is it even needed? Newbie modder... if it's not obvious...
  2. I have just started a new playthrough for KOTOR 2 and as I progressed a little bit I've noticed that the game has been slightly choppy/laggy. It's especially noticeable when I pass by smoke and mine fields, it's weird because this did not happen on my old pc. The game ran very smoothly for the most part on the older pc, also there seems to be a problem with my advanced graphics settings. When I went there I noticed that I couldn't select frame buffer effect and the soft shadows for graphics, it's just shaded out. I don't know why, but I feel like it's the main reason why I have been experiencing a fairly choppy/laggy game. The main menu is where it's the most choppy/laggy, and it's VERY bad too but when I load the actual game it's nowhere near as choppy but still fairly noticeable. How do I fix this so that I can experience a smooth playthrough like previously? And finally, whenever I try to alt=tab out of the game it screws up everything. When I leave the majority of the computer screen is covered in black except like 15% of the right side of my screen. The lower toolbar is still visible but whenever I click back into the game all the words are gone. I can move the mouse around and even hear it make that sounds it makes when you put the mouse on for example "New game" or "Load game", unfortunately the words are gone and it stays like that even when I load a game or start a new one. I have to turn off the game in order for it to return the words, which means I can't alt+tab out of the game without having to turn it off each time. I am currently using a windows 8 laptop if that helps.
  3. For KotOR 1 & 2 (and SWBFII if you know) what is the latest windows operating system they run on, if I use Windows & do I need any special software to get them working??