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Found 27 results

  1. To whom it may concern, I recently downloaded the TSLRCM, and I absolutely love it, a thousand thanks to the makers of it! But I seem to be afflicted by an annoying glitch. Everytime there is a cinematic, the game drops me in the area where the cinematic occurred. For example, during the ravager's approach after the cinematic with Darth Sion, my character was thrown into the bridge of the ravager. I fixed that by running back into peragus, but I don't know how that happened. Now when I activate the Visas cinematic aboard the ravager, after the cinematic, my party is trapped aboard the bridge of the ravager, with no way out. Anyone have any idea how on Earth I can fix this? Any help is awesome! Thank you all!
  2. Hello everyone, my wife and I just recently downloaded KOTOR 2 for the PC and we installed the RCM mod. The game has worked phenomenal until the part where you are suppose to go to Goto's ship. Upon Atton getting the transponder codes installed by repair dude, the cut scenes start up of the Ebon Hawk taking off to be intercepted by Goto's ship, but then it goes to some cut scene of two Aliens at the bar talking about taking out my companions. Then magically after the scene I am back on the landing pad at Nar Shadda. I have beaten the game many times years ago and I remember it was suppose to pan over to me being picked up by Gotos ship. Does anyone have any advice for this? Is there something I should have done to prevent that cutscene from popping up? Really frustrated and scared to go back and replay the whole game from the start (we didnt save correctly) if this is going to happen again. Please help...