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Desmond last won the day on February 20 2013

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About Desmond

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Hmmm is it possible to "rebuild" player charecter through script? Like change class without loosing every feat and skillpoint players has...

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    2. Desmond


      Just making some small thoughts about 3-rd class for player. For example we have Mical. He is solder. When we turn him into consular. He lose all solder lvl but retain all feats he had, all skill he had and become consular with some addition feats that show his solder past. So then we can give him pr class and he will be Consular/Jedi Master with solder taste. Like he would have 3 classes.

    3. Darth_Sapiens
    4. Desmond


      Some time age I saw this been used in WC3 map. Main problem is that class change may happen at any lvl(in case of Mical. In player case it's a bit more controllable... but still) so how, for example, modify his hp. After all solder has highter hit dice and highter attack as consular and this addtioins should be dinamically calculated...