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Desmond last won the day on February 20 2013

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Ok, need to learn Kotor modding... what is better to try - add a little sence to Telos or try to why my own Malacore with Blackjack and all...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Desmond


      Actually I see absolutely no sence in "Czerka take over Telos". It's not their ways. Corrupt companies do not do thing that way and I doubt that highter administation would be pleased if Lorso do that. They may take over one station, but company will completely loose it's face. Not a wise trade

    3. Darth_Sapiens


      well they take over behind the scenes, when you wipe out the exchange effectively annihilate the ithorians power, and if you do the black market thing, czerka has there hand in that, essentially czerka does take over the station.

    4. Desmond


      Darth_Sapiens, as I understand gua543 was talking about small unrestored part of content, when Jana Lorso say that Czerka is taking over station.