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Posts posted by GrandGrayJedi216

  1. The crystal never shows up in the upgrade screen, that's what I meant, I go to a workbench, I open the saber console, create the hilt, choose type, then color, exit out of console screen, go to upgrade at workbench, and nothing shows up at all. I know you won't see the crystal in your inventory, but you get a little blip of having the crystal even if it doesn't show up, all I get after creating a crystal is a item lost notification on screen and nothing.

  2. Gave everything a fresh reinstall and same issue, I get no notification of new crystal only that I've lost an item, also it gives me the option to break down all hilts even though I have none of the crystals. I don't know  if this is something to do with the baseitem or upicrystal file, I don't mess with those because I have zero idea on how to edit that stuff. I don't want to because even if I learn I'm afraid I'll mess with the programming and just cause ctd. If its somehow connected to me playing in windowed mode for some reason I don't know, but here is what I have installed.


    TSL Prequel Robes

    Armored Robes

    DM Movie Style Master Robes

    TSLRCM 1.8.3

    M478EP pa0cth 1.1


    Running on Windows7 as well.

  3. So I recently reinstalled KOTOR 2 since the 1.8.3 update and then installed dm robes which is when I found your glorious alpha release for saber hilts so I ran the installer as administrator because it continued to crash when I attempted to install normally. I had to install it twice to make sure it worked since I didn't see the topic in the workbench screen, however now the problem is I don't recieve the new crystals to make the sabers. So I did a another reinstall and installed it first but still found I had to use the installer again after everything. I know its compatible with tslrcm so I'm just stumped as to what is preventing the notification for the crystals.

  4. Maybe a mod that has you being recognized as a master after train all your companions and they give you a special robe as appreciation for opening them up to the force. Maybe...make the robe be like the sith masters you face in Freedon Nada's Tomb...just tweak them to look a little more jedi like, or keep black for the dark side fans ^^ :unsure:

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  5. I'm having a problem with the Finding the Hk-50 Factory, after I get the Ebon Hawk back I go to Telos to turn in the Criminal Bounty, and run into the droids outside the bay, turn in the mission, walk back to ship and they are there like nothing happened! So I saved the notification that I met one group so far, so I load the save. Skip them, go to Korriban and run into the group there and after the banter, it says I've only run into one still! Is there a way to avoid this? Was I not supposed to run into them on telos and turn the quest in later? Help me please if you can :help: Please and thank you ^^

  6. Hey, wanted to see if TSLRCM is compatiable with the Bastila Head mod out there from I would like to know because I'm starting a new game with it along with the movie styled robes. So please let me know, and yeah...thats about it. Please and thank you^^