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About startiger

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. I have been having an issue with TSL-RCM 1.7 I am On Nar Shaddaa and it gets stuck in the start of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr quest. Mira gasses me and then Anton goes to the bar to fight the twins. Atton goes back to the EH to warn them. You see Visa, Bao-Dur, and the Handmaiden standing outside of the EH. Visa makes a comment about not seeing how any Jedi could stand to live on NS and that's it. No one says anything from there. If you try to to anyone, they just say "Yes?" and nothing else. You can't enter the EH and you can't enter the dialog that gets the goons to attack you. Also, there are two copies of Bao-Dur and the Handmaiden standing on the platform. So you have 5 people there, (not counting Atton), but only 3 different people. Any advice? Installed Mods: High res videos High res music Computer: AMD Athlon X2 6000 Windows XP Pro nVidia GTS 450, 1Gb VRAM