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About YuriSoriano0129

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. I think I did. I don't anymore remember. I already deleted the savegame file for it. Thanks for the tip! Edit: I remember telling Atton that Revan is Dark Side. Because when the Exile departed Telos, Admiral Cede was the one who contacted Lt. Dol Grenn, implying that Carth is indeed dead by that time.
  2. Yes, I have two other mods. I forgot the name of this particular mod but it's where the player is given additional Force powers like Chain Lightning, Force Bombard, etc. I love using those powers though! LOL. Another mod I use is the one where the lightsabers have improved blade textures and unique hilt designs. I also used the "Black underwear for the female Exile" mod. I installed those mods prior to installing TSLRCM v1.7 and the fix that you provided. I have problems to report. 1) On Dantooine, after Mandalore battles Esok the "<character name>'s Armored Robe" (In this case, the character name I am using is the canonical name of the Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik.) is gone and the Exile is left in her underwear. 2) In the Battle of Telos, after I helped the Onderon soldiers stop the Sith sabotage, I am to go to the Ravager with Mandalore and Visas to confront Darth Nihilus. Before we go there, we have this little chit-chat where Mandalore told Kelborn and Zuka that they will be coming along and Visas tells me that she will also come along. When I select "Let's go.", the movie that shows the Republic forces arrive plays and when the movie is finished, the game then fades to black. After that, nothing happens. I hope these issues will be fixed soon. And when will TSLRCM v1.8 be released? I am excited and am waiting for it.
  3. Korriban: - After the battle with Darth Sion where Kreia tells the player that there will be some other time to confront him, the player runs away and Sion chases the PC. The game then crashes. My companions are Mical/The Disciple and Bao-Dur.