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Everything posted by etrius787

  1. Noooo that fix is what makes them come back And I have traveled, to every planet in fact. Here, I'm sorry, I should have explained better. KoTOR 2 + TSLRCM1.7 = runs fine. KoTOR 2 + TSLRCM1.7 + HoTOR 1.6 = does not run past Telos due to missing Sisters. KoTOR 2 + TSLRCM1.7 + HoTOR 1.6 + Fix = Play past Telos, no Handmaiden sparring.
  2. Hey there, I'm curious about something. Are we absolutely sure HoTOR 1.6 by Qui-Don Jorn is compatible with TSLRCM 1.7? Because HoTOR 1.6 is the only other mod (other than a fix for the Sisters mentioned in a few sentences) I have besides 1.7 and its unofficial fix. 1.7 runs fine without HoTOR 1.6, but when HoTOR is installed, I experience the missing Handmaiden's Sisters bug. I can continue the game past Telos, I have the Handmaiden's Sisters Fix, I'm only curious. (I hope this is the appropriate thread for such a question.) Edit: I'm also having the bug where I cannot start sparring with Handmaiden, as in, the dialogue won't appear. I read here that a reinstall might work, I'll give that a shot... -Reinstall did not work on the old save, nor a new one. I still cannot spar with her.